Youth Ministry
Because of the many challenges that students face today, we strive to take a targeted approach to discipleship in our student ministry. Our junior high and senior high ministries have age appropriate activities and events that are specifically designed to focus on the different challenges of these age groups.
Here are some of the ways that we help students
Large Group Activities
Students have the opportunity to gather together in a large group setting for strong Biblical teaching, and student-led worship.
Small Group Activities
Our small groups provide a framework for discipleship to take place by creating an environment where friendships can grow deeper and students can be challenged to practically apply God’s Word.
Outreach Events
Throughout the year we offer a variety of themed outreach events that gives our students the opportunity to embrace the Great Commission challenge to “go” and invite their friends.
Youth Retreats
We offer opportunities for students to break away from the normal schedule and activities and enter an environment where memories are made and great spiritual awakening can take place.
WMC Madness started this past Wednesday, but it will resume the next two Wednesdays as well. This is a small group vs. small group competition, in which groups compete to earn the most points. The winning group wins an awesome addition to their Breakout Night coming on April 30th. The ways that students can earn points for their group are: Winning games, bringing their Bibles, inviting and bringing new students, filling out a March Madness bracket, and, most importantly, bringing in donations. During this event we will be collecting donations to give out to local community pantries ( We are asking students to ask their families and friends to donate items as well!
Our youth love to eat, and we need your help feeding them! Many of our students come to Wednesday night youth group straight from work or practice. Would you be willing to serve a meal? Click here to sign up.
Service Times
Sunday Worship:
FLOCKS: 10:30am
Nursery: 0-24m
Offered both hours
Kids: 2yr-6th grade
Offered both hours
Youth: 7th-12th grade 10:30am
5108 Bull Rapids Rd, PO Box 431 Woodburn, IN 46797
Office Hours
Mon-Thur 9:00am - 3:00pm
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