Treasuring Christ Together, through His Word!
We believe that there is one God - revealed in three eternally self-existing Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is the Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer, and Ruler of the universe and all it contains. He is perfect in power, love, justice and mercy.
The Bible
We believe that the Scriptures consist of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, breathed out by God and without error in the original manuscripts. They are the unchanging authority for our corporate and personal lives, fully reliable in matters of faith, doctrine and practice.
Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus is fully God, born to Mary having been conceived by the Holy Spirit. He is the second Person of the Trinity, existing with the Father and the Holy Spirit from before the creation of the universe. He was born as a human, without sin, and suffered and died for the redemption of all those who place their trust in Him.
We believe that salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. This grace is extended not to those who deserve or earn God’s favor, but as a gift. The faith to believe that Christ has done everything necessary for our salvation is also a gift from God and not a result of one’s own righteous behavior.
The Holy Spirit
We believe the Holy Spirit is a Person who draws individuals to faith, convicts the world of sin, comes alongside to encourage, and indwells believers as a guarantee of their future inheritance. The real presence of the Spirit in the life of the believer provides assurance that that person is a child of God.
The Church
We believe that the church is the body of Christ, called out from the world in order to engage it with the good news of salvation. The church is the bride of Christ, treasured by Him, founded by Him, and assured of its endurance until the end of the age
Last Things
We believe in the personal and physical return of Christ at the end of the age. Christ’s imminent return serves as a great source of joy and encouragement for His church. When He returns all persons will be physically resurrected and separated one from another either to eternal punishment or their everlasting life.
We believe that the Lord’s Supper serves as not only a vivid memorial of Jesus’ bodily sacrifice and shed blood, but also as a proclamation of his death until he returns. It symbolizes the believer’s union with Christ and the spiritual unity shared by every believer. It provides a powerful motive to self-examination, should be celebrated joyfully and regularly, and is open to all who are followers of Christ.
Baptism + Child Dedication
We believe that baptism is a public act of obedience for those who have been born again through faith in Christ. The scriptural mode of baptism is immersion (Acts 8:39), which the apostle Paul references in Romans 6:1-4 when he mentions being “buried” with Christ in baptism. Those who are baptized are buried in the likeness of Christ’s death and then raised in the likeness of His resurrection.
We believe that child dedication is a public commitment by parents who desire to guide the spiritual development of their children. This dedication is both act of faith in God and a matter of personal commitment for parents.
treasuring Christ together
WMC exists to TREASURE CHRIST TOGETHER by faithfully proclaiming the good news, generously serving our community, and sending people on mission.
Our mission is to see people BELONG in community, BELIEVE in the good news, BECOME mature followers of Jesus, and BE SENT on mission to love their neighbors!
We place a high emphasis on helping you and your family connect with God and others. It's not about being perfect, it's about seeking hope, through the love of Jesus. All are welcomed...
Service Times
Sunday Worship:
FLOCKS: 10:30am
Nursery: 0-24m
Offered both hours
Kids: 2yr-6th grade
Offered both hours
Youth: 7th-12th grade 10:30am
5108 Bull Rapids Rd, PO Box 431 Woodburn, IN 46797
Office Hours
Mon-Thur 9:00am - 3:00pm
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