Kid's Ministry

Kid’s Ministry

Providing opportunities for children to worship God and grow in His Word; equipping parents to disciple their children, and proclaiming the life-changing message of Jesus Christ in our surrounding community.

Kids’ Ministry

Nursery, Preschool, and Elementary Ministries are offered during both our 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM service hours on Sunday morning.

Upcoming Events

Woodburn Easter Egg Hunt

Hop on over to the Woodburn Shelter House for a morning of fun!

K-6th Bus Pick Up

We are offering free bus transportation for K-6th grade kiddos that need a ride to and from church! We will pick them up in the WMC bus, feed them breakfast, have them attend the Children's Programming, them bring them home in the WMC bus.  Here is the link for the guardian to fill out.

Our Vision

Treasure Kids By Sharing Christ!

Our Mission

We are dedicated to partnering with parents to lead children to become fully devoted followers of Jesus. We do this through equipping parents to have faith conversations, through age appropriate lessons, worship, activities and small groups. Each week, children will learn Biblical truths and real life lessons they can apply to their lives.

Our Volunteer Team

Our team members LOVE kids and LOVE Jesus! We work together to mentor and disciple our children so they feel treasured, loved and safe. We train our team and do background checks routinely. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Tina Miller at or by calling the church office at (260) 632-4615.

1 Peter 2:9

...You are God's special treasure. You are all these things so that you can give Him praise. God brought you out of darkness into His wonderful light.


A child is never too young to hear the Word of God. Our nursery focuses on children birth to age 2. In our nursery ministry, our goal is to begin laying the foundation of a growing faith. Our children discover the love of God through our wonderful team members who provide a safe and nurturing environment. They engage in simple songs and positive encouraging Biblical truths that help them discover that God loves them and they are treasured.


Our preschool ministry provides a safe creative place for kids 3yrs through kindergarten to explore God and His great love for them. We use Bible stories, worship and fun activities to teach them about God's greatest gift to us, Jesus! During our worship time we focus on why Jesus loves us. During our second hour small group time the kids will experience interactive stations to explore God's Word in a way that comes alive!

We love preschool children here at WMC and offer a Christian Preschool. CLICK FOR MORE INFO


In our elementary ministry, our goal is to teach each child 1st through 6th grade the Gospel and how to experience a journey with Jesus! During our worship service we offer Kids Worship! During this time they will experience age appropriate Bible lessons and a time of worship, a monthly big picture point, and a memory verse. During our 10:30 small group time your kids will rotate through Journey stations while enjoying fun activities, crafts and games that will challenge their faith. We will end with small group discussion and prayer.

Family Ministry Opportunities!

We want to love and support your families and connect you to relationships and resources to help you teach and disciple your 
children at home and parent with confidence! We offer many family ministry events each year.

Mother/Son Date Night

Each spring we offer a night for moms to invest in their sons and have tons of fun.

Daddy/Daughter Date Night

Each fall we offer a night for dads to be the heroes to their girls. This is a time for girls and their fathers or male role models to dress up and dance the night away.

Child Dedication

Twice a year we offer a time for us to partner with parents for our Child Dedication. This is a time for you as parents, and we as the church to commit to raising your child to know Jesus.


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