Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry

Our goal in the Women’s Ministry is to help our ladies grow in their relationship with Jesus so that they can more effectively serve Him in every aspect of their lives.

We seek to help ladies engage in “taking next steps together” by providing different venues where they can experience meaningful relationships, caring encouragement, loving support, and practical teaching.

Upcoming Events

Prayer Breakfast

All ladies are invited to a morning of prayer, worship, devotions and food!  We hope you can make it.


Aspire is a ladies’ night out full of laughter, learning, stories, and music. It's 1 night and 3 hours full of fellowship and fun. We hope you are making plans to join us! Tickets are on sale, so now is a great time to invite some friends and plan a ladies’ night out.

Women’s Ministry

We work to accomplish these goals through some

of the following ministry opportunities:

Ladies Bible Studies

Various Bible studies are offered in both mornings and evenings to help ladies grow in the knowledge and understanding of Scripture.

Special Events

Throughout the year we offer a variety of special events that are for ladies of all ages. These usually have a special theme designed just for women, giving them opportunities to engage with one another, have fun, and build lasting relationships.


Once or twice a year we provide a special time away for the women of our church. Some will be “in-house” and others will take place in another setting. Our women’s retreats offer great fellowship, spiritual challenge, and terrific opportunities to deepen friendships.


One way that women can take a “next step” is by finding ways to serve other ladies. Opportunities are available for our women to serve others by preparing meals for those in need and encouraging others through service projects or by sending cards. In these ways, we can be the hands and feet of Christ.

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